The Heart of a LIE

History is what happened, history is a collection of facts.. the truth.
If you speak the truth, those words are stamped into history and as a result you no longer carry the burden of those words …
lie is much different.   
If you lie it goes nowhere, rejected by the natural law of historical truths. You will carry those words with you, watching them manifest into an entangling menace, lurking and biding its time…                                                                   
The lie expands indefinitely with every passing moment, through this expansion a weight that you must carry begins to bare down on your heart and conscience.
A lie walks with you, sleeps with you, it never leaves your side. It can’t. It may have to remind you of what you said yesterday, last week or last year. A lie will manipulate those who choose to resort to it, to side with it. 
The lie will insist that it needs protection. It will try to convince you that it is protecting others, those closest to you. A lie is a liar. A liar that can convince your mind but never your conscience. 
Your conscience knows only truth. It understands what a lie really wants. Your conscience whispers what is right and just warning you of the lie’s selfish hidden agenda that will inevitably resonate itself from the lies intentions into its mischievous action.
A lie wants one thing and it will not rest until it becomes utterly satisfied… it demands recognition. It wants the world to see it for what it really is… Nothing.
A lie is empty, it is nothing, it has no tangible meaning or value because it is something that never existed. 
It is the promise that never came to pass or the event that never really happened. 
A lie cannot rest. It is an eager whirlwind of unthinkable, unimaginable, unstoppable, despicable and irreversible energy that will only come to a grinding halt when the truth severs its very existence. 
The truth smashes through the pulsing lie, penetrating it’s heart, it’s life force, it’s very impotent existence as it stamps itself, the truth, into the delicate fabric of time, thus extinguishing the lie forever
Our words are powerful. Our words can create life, inspire a child, change the world we live in from that moment on. Don’t waste them on a lie.
As much as truth seems to hurt in that particular moment the superficial pain from that truth is nothing in comparison to the longsuffering that is induced by a tactful lie. 
Time will reward those who rely on the truth, slowly relieving you of whatever residual pain your are experiencing while it punishes those who resort to tarnishing the pristine slate of history with their lies.
Truth lasts forever and lies never go away
inspired by the apple