When I am in continual trials it is easier to get into a place of extremes, but GOD. He surrounds me with ministering angels and He brings certain divine connections into my life at the specific time of need. It is always after I have brought all to Him, without discussing the problems to my friends, and He has led me into HIs divine truth rather than my own truth, and leads me into a path He has chosen, then blesses me again with my Covenant Connection.Praise Be to God
Monday, October 3
Saturday, July 16
Road least traveled
I recently read an account of a girls’ high school graduation ceremony. The writer described the collective sigh of resignation that whispered through the assembled relatives and friends as one of the graduate-speakers began by reciting Robert Frost’s classic poem, “The Road Not Taken.” The captive audience seemed to anticipate a predictable excursion along the overly well-trodden road of invoking Frost’s verse as a paean to individuality and non-conformism.
Instead, the writer was pleasantly surprised. Departing from the expected formula, the young speaker argued with Frost’s message by defending those with the courage to walk the well-traveled road of tradition in the face of social pressure to reject establishment and convention. It is indeed refreshing to hear the voice of youth, albeit second hand, recognizing the fallacy of a new conformism that preaches non-conformity — or, even worse, anti-conformity.
However, in my days as a student of literature at the University of California, I learned that Robert Frost is among the most famously misunderstood of poets. The attentive reader discovers that it was never Frost’s style to merely paint landscapes out of words or to render such trite messages as “favor the road less-traveled.” Frost had a sharp, unforgiving eye that focused not on the beauties of nature but upon man’s frequent failure to recognize his own place in the natural world.
And so “The Road Not Taken,” like so many of Frost’s poems, ripples with subtle but troubling inconsistencies.
Read the whole essay here:
Point is truth
- Paul also said "how could we possibly understand the price of what Christ has paid unless we also experience the pain ,rejection,hurt,abandonment,abuse,false accusations, etc.." Jesu's said to desciples the blessed are those who mourned for they should be confirted,blessed is those who are meek, they shall inherit the earth, amplified said "REGARDLESS OF OUTWARD CIRCUMSTANCES " IT'S been my experience that God does great work in the hardest times that I am in, He does the truest of work in me personally. I'm surprised by those who claim to have a personal relationship with our creator, but never go through anything that makes them hit their knees and take along look at the inside of themselves, the motives,unbaleif,selfish,intiltelment,character defects, He does most of any transformation in the midst of the storm...Grace be with you www.covenantconnection@blogspot.com1s
Monday, July 11
Character seen in great leadership is not to sujest always being rt but rather acknowledge areas of need, with solution. "All life is problem solving.” I’ve often contended that the best leaders are the best problem solvers. They have the patience to step back and see the problem at-hand through broadened observation; circular vision. They see around, beneath and beyond the problem itself. They see well-beyond the obvious. The most effective leaders approach problems through a lens of opportunity."
What is so directly stated is so true, this is why it is character, we recognize leadership in all aspects of our lives. More and to the point, we will value the leader who is not afraid to try new strategic planning, at the same time understands that his new way is not for everyone on the team , until it has been proven to work, once it's proven to work, those who trust you will follow you, and those who dont, if their way is proven to be successful why change just because you have. It's all perspective. Defeated and critical mindsets, are both toxic for self and for those you lead, encourage yourself, don't be critical,harsh,doomsday, temper tantrum, angry , and don't take yourself so seriously, it's not all about you anyway, solution shake it off, find area of growth in every failed opportunity.
Saturday, July 9
Judge and it will be done back to you 100 x what you judged
WE are accountable to each other, only in the way of agrrement. EXAMPLE someone in your circle needs prayer and deliverance, healing,discernment, we'll you get with them touching each other and agree in Jesup name for their needs. IT IS GOD'S WILL FOR US TO AGREE ON ANYTHING THAT WILL BE EDIFYING,ENCOURAGING, AND LIFTING TO Him,,casting the burden upon the throne. IF MORE CHRISTIAN WOULD AGREE ON JESUS AND HIS WORD we would see a revival og breakthrough in every area of a beleivers life. Surely we believe The Holy Bible, it says hope differed makes a heart sick, when was the last time you have sown love and hope in your sister or brothers life. What kind of believer does not believe ? The one tormented with poverty, briken,busted , and discusted. It is my humble gratitude for this revilation, anyone who reads this post, and has a need or a specific desire from your Heavenly Father, I body and faithfully, and ask for manifestation speedily, psalms 101,
I'm in agreement with what God says in His word, I agree that your breakthrough,deliverance, healing,love,hope,joy,and piece is all renewed and filled up in your life. IN JESUS name.
I would love to hear testimonials from this prayer in future, I'm certain You will be in awe of the love The Lord wants to display in your life....covenant connection agreement with God's word, and a child of God, there is nothing that can ever hold u back, as long as we are committed to agree, avoiding tempting thoughts based in fear, pride,anger,or resentment, and jelousy but rather love,faith,hope,contentment,joy,and peace. ...as a covenant partner it is your only duty, to love your Devine connection with the love of Jesus, and do not make an opinion about anything going in their life that u only see the natural circumstances, GOD'S DONE HIS MIRACULOUS life changing anointed moments when it looked in the natural circumstances like the most horific storms trials and tribulations is the fire that will turn beauty from ashes, the only way to get ashes is by fire, we go throughth fire of life's real life struggles, he burns all the fleshy,selfish issues, takes the behaviors, away, perspective, character is changes by the beauty of love.....Love that is pure ,protects,purification, believes the very best in us, and helps us on the way to our Devine purposes.
Saturday, May 21
Sometimes I Cry Lyric Video
We have to be able to hear and listen, we do not judge others, but we are responsible to seeing the fruit of the behavior. Being able to discern the difference between a confidant, comrad, colleague, concealer, teacher, and finally the personal gifts do are to
complement each other, or are we happy when the other person has great thing s going for them, or do we get jealous the key is listening to our maker, and realizing if someone you had poured all your gifts into, leaves you empty of all fruit, it's because the seasons are changing, and we l are to gather all that pertains to edification, encouraging, and lifting one another up through any trial or fire , or coming into agreement for each. Being better today than yesterday. ..covenant connections bring gifts to the relationship, that each can glean from. , and every relationship is in a different season emotional, spiritual growth, also the comrad are like iron sharpening iron, you give little personal, and receive the willingness to learn from someone who is different than you, but still firight the good fight.of, faith
found in Matthew 5 Please note the amplified version says REGARDLESS OF OUTWARD CIRCUMSTANCES!
2. (Jesus)And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [1] of God.
10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
BLESS (AFFECTIONATELY, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name! Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul, and forget not [one of] all His benefits--Who forgives [every one of] all your iniquities, Who heals [each one of] all your diseases, Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy; Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]! - Psalm 103:1-5 AMP
Tuesday, May 17
part 2 comment on dear diary
dear diary logged comment
so very proud of your coursge strength,and tenacity, your not alone in recovery, we all are just trying to stay focused on this day, everytime you look in the mirror, pray that the Holy Spirit and all your angels are surrounding you and opening your eyes yo see the beatiful masterpiece that God created when he chose you for this time and season, God did not make a mistake, He is not shocked when we surrendoe to our Father what counter thoughts that snuck in during that day to attack,shamed,and lied ti you about who you really are &purposed for this time and season, every test is your testimony, the trials of past that linger around your thoughts s\ are no longer your burden to carry, the trials were meant to burn all the heavyness andpain up and He has taken all the ashes and made beauty that can not be duplucated, your authentic masterpiece We all are broken pieces that He loves so much He takes the pieces changes our name and reshapes us to what He sees and when we see his beauty,light,joy,hope,love looking back from the looking glasswe are able to love ourselves because we look at our daddys reflection when we hear a st1ill small voice say well done my good and faithful beautiful child in whom i delight...InJesusName
Wednesday, May 11
Dear Diary we are more and worth it
Saturday, April 30
Dear Diary we are more and worth it
4 /30/2016
This song is dedicated to all our beautiful children who think things are hopeless right now, but Time is proven to take our test and make a testimony, our pain and ashes turn into beauty, torment into triumph, please listen its more than just one subject, it's all for our girls and boys who think they have no one to say they are worth it..let me know, or cry out ,,,i did, I would also like to address self harm, cyber abuse, girls feeling sexual harrasment, mean girls setting up other ones to feel rejected by original friends, weather the person is the target
Or the arrow, that person deserves love, both are the extremes of pain, it's time to address real issues rather than shining old masks and putting them on as a armor for a journey that's to painful and heavy to carry alone ,,let's stand o. The real issues so our kids will grow up stronger and not victimcs, compassionate, withough controlling, empathy without ignorance, most of all courage to not keep secrets, ,those secrets are the root to all behaviors that are just but a symptom
To our own truth. After reading this, hearing the song, I know in my heart that there will be a shift, a reneWed mindset, everyday when I GET TO WAKE Up is the perfeCT chance to be real. And qtake off thhe comfort of my masks, to reright this part, reveal all the today moments that I did not act victimized but have bloomed victoriouse.
And healing comes with reLizing ,
You are more qpth Ave N.
- you are worth it
- nothing will be wasted!
- you have a purpose!
- lifes not fair, but it is just!
- we all fall down, key is getting up!
- second by second
- moment to moment
- min by min
- hour by hour.
- just for today
- breath breath breath
- You Are Worth it!!!!
Gave you a hope and a future that is full of
peace and
A great future so you, created; favored and adorned
Because you are worth it and you are more
Than choices that you made or mistakes that has been paid
Songs special thanks, you tube, open source, author Delena CovenantConnections
Tuesday, April 26
If you can find it, you will know it's true
Covers everything nothing missing nothing broken...
But with the well-advised is wisdom.
But he who gathers by labor will increase.
But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.
But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded.
To turn one away from the snares of death.
But the way of the unfaithful is hard.
16 Every prudent man acts with knowledge,
But a fool lays open his folly.
But a faithful ambassador brings health.
But he who regards a rebuke will be honored.
But it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil.
But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
But to the righteous, good shall be repaid.
But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
And for lack of justice there is waste.[a]
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
But the stomach of the wicked shall be in want.
Sunday, March 13
Tuesday, February 2
Go And Sin No More
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Sometimes I Cry Lyric Video
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