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When I am in continual trials it is easier to get into a place of extremes, but GOD. He surrounds me with ministering angels and He brings certain divine connections into my life at the specific time of need. It is always after I have brought all to Him, without discussing the problems to my friends, and He has led me into HIs divine truth rather than my own truth, and leads me into a path He has chosen, then blesses me again with my Covenant Connection.Praise Be to God
Thursday, June 25
Humbly posted
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
Wednesday, May 6
Decemberadio - Find You Waiting (Audio Only)
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
Sunday, April 12
Must read, song is from our church choir in 2011
So Come, Song @ Connection Point Church of God Singer Lori Watkins And Praise Team
Dear God
I don't like what I was.
~but i'm not sure what I am.
I was a liar.
~now i'm numb.
I was a manipulator.
~now i'm frightened of others.
I was a controller
~now i'm powerless.
I was a bully.
~now i'm my own victim
I was afraid of pain.
~now I hold pains hand.
I used to hide in isolation.
~now I'm locked up with You.
I used to be bold and loud.
~now i'm afraid to speak.
I used to think only of muself.
~now I think only about the pain i've caused.
I used to trust only in myself.
~now I am in Your Hands.
O God,I'm ready,please change me.
Quiet my heart, God
From all the activity and noice.
Help me centermy thoughts, my mind.
Remove the distractions that spin me.
My wrongs, my faults lie before You.
You know me inside out-the good,the bad.
Help me receive your inner working and change
So Lord quite my heart,quite my mind.
Make me ready, Your Will Lord,not mine
In Jesus name Amen
in Jesus Delena
So Come, Song @ Connection Point Church of God Singer Lori Watkins And Praise Team
Dear God
I don't like what I was.
~but i'm not sure what I am.
I was a liar.
~now i'm numb.
I was a manipulator.
~now i'm frightened of others.
I was a controller
~now i'm powerless.
I was a bully.
~now i'm my own victim
I was afraid of pain.
~now I hold pains hand.
I used to hide in isolation.
~now I'm locked up with You.
I used to be bold and loud.
~now i'm afraid to speak.
I used to think only of muself.
~now I think only about the pain i've caused.
I used to trust only in myself.
~now I am in Your Hands.
O God,I'm ready,please change me.
Quiet my heart, God
From all the activity and noice.
Help me centermy thoughts, my mind.
Remove the distractions that spin me.
My wrongs, my faults lie before You.
You know me inside out-the good,the bad.
Help me receive your inner working and change
So Lord quite my heart,quite my mind.
Make me ready, Your Will Lord,not mine
In Jesus name Amen
in Jesus Delena
Friday, April 10
Repost because I'm still shouting and My God is still working letting the tears fall until the tears of growth spring to beauty
Please listen to song while reading, the anointing from Kirk Franklins history and the song matching mind completely gives me hope that I do not have to be a victim and I do have victory, In Jesus name
shout and let it all out, shout it all out to our Heavenly Fathr, we all have a story, we all have pain, we all have A CHOICE TO BE a "victim" or to SHOUT WITH VICTORY!!!my experience through the fires of trials,our Jesus will bring beauty from ashes, He hears our cryes, He cathches every tear of pain, and He takes our shaken, surrendered, tired, children adopts us, changes our name, restores relationships, the Potter takes the broken pieces to shape us into a vessel that can be filled with the oil of love. pressed down, shaken together, running over. renew our mind to only serve one King, Call one Lord, Speak out loud the promises of His word so our angels will move on our behalf, angels sitting on ready to hear the next direction, only From the living Word DO Angels harken, "move" Surrendering my reputation, surrendering the fear of making mistakes, surrendering my emotions, surrending worry,unbeliefe,words of gossip cloaked with the poison of manipulation, and all resentment, unforgiveness, POVERTY, be gone. loosed on Earth as loosed in Heaven the Agape love that covers all sin, receives all the pain, love that fills the gaping hole in our hearts that we have been feeling up with scriptures, words of faith, self rightouseness, denial to the point of hiding the emptyness for so long, that it takes our day to day as we know it and shake up all the foundation that we built with our own understanding, and as shaken and uncomfirtable as we are today, that THis too shall pass, Love always believes the best, That Our God is willing to receive all we are willing to give, His love is so great that words spoken from me are a vain ettempt to use words to measure His Glory,Grace,honor, and Deity and all the words cant come close to His mighty hand when He is vindicating His children, when He opens doors that in our own flesh we are unqualied, through our weakness HE is made STRONG, hE GETS ALL THE GLORY FOR DAYS OF VICTORY, FROM hIS HAND OF LOVE giving us all we need and the desires of our hearts, as we delight in your EVER PRESENT HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE, GLORY BE TO GOD!!! IT'S not how many times.......'''''''', it is about "getting back up" on the fleshing floor and letting Our Father of Ambraham , Isaac , and Jacob Restore,Lift,Move the mountaion,comfort,speak in revilation to us, pouring the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit from the top to all that has fallen out of our life. Having enough oil to keep our children fed with enough anointing,character,grace,mercy. So the next 1000 generations our blood line has the DNA of our Lord Jesus who shed his blood for us with your you surrounding us with the cloak of rightousness,joy,peace,hope, love, and we can't help but praise You Lord for the trials that burn the old mindsets,old fleshy and carnal behaviors that come from the gaping holes covered in rivers of "de nile" and being replaced by the love that sets us free, that beleives the best in all cicumstances. trusts in all that love given by our precious angels, covennt connections, fueled by the selfless act of You loving us so much that you gave us your only begotten son, that whoever shall beleive in Him shall have an everlasting life ,,knowing that our soul "mind will and emotions" are lining up with the foundations built on the Rock of Jesus and the Word spoken to all his children is, If God gives it to you, NO PERSON ON EARTH OR DEMON IN HELL CAN TAKE IT AWAY, IF YOU LORD CLOSE THE DOORS WE PRAISE YOU ALL THE SAME BECAUSE WE TRUST YOU AND WE DO NOT WANT ANYTHING NOT ORDAINED BY YOU, RIGHT PLACE, AND RIGHT TIMING, fOR HE knowS the plans He has for us plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give us a hope and a future He wil NEVER, EVER, LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED IN WELL DOING YOU WILL PROSPER IF YOU FAINT JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN AMEN AMEN
Lord Jesus Praying for each one of our children to receive love wherever the defisionsy is? so we give them security in knowing that He who has began a good work in us will not leave us , will not leave us living in lack, our children are not broken even if they come from a broken home, We can stand firm in the knowledge that they are Kings kids and life will bring the training grounds for our future promises given and received by us his favorite who drew a line in the sand and said in agreement with Jesus, "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" Thank you Lord praise you Father, and in full agreement and belief that you have it covered, by Faith, Joy, and LOVE THE GREATEST OF ALL IS LOVE WHICH CAST DOWN fear and any other high "haughty thing ,lies, and emaginations that tries to rise against The promises of our first love Jesus./..amen amen amen we have been made whole and placed on solid ground thank youLord for your faithfulness and your Rama word, in agreement with logos "written word" 2/24/2015
Lord Jesus Praying for each one of our children to receive love wherever the defisionsy is? so we give them security in knowing that He who has began a good work in us will not leave us , will not leave us living in lack, our children are not broken even if they come from a broken home, We can stand firm in the knowledge that they are Kings kids and life will bring the training grounds for our future promises given and received by us his favorite who drew a line in the sand and said in agreement with Jesus, "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" Thank you Lord praise you Father, and in full agreement and belief that you have it covered, by Faith, Joy, and LOVE THE GREATEST OF ALL IS LOVE WHICH CAST DOWN fear and any other high "haughty thing ,lies, and emaginations that tries to rise against The promises of our first love Jesus./..amen amen amen we have been made whole and placed on solid ground thank youLord for your faithfulness and your Rama word, in agreement with logos "written word" 2/24/2015
Friday, April 3
Covenant connections: May today bring u closer to our living God
Covenant connections: May today bring u closer to our living God
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
Monday, March 23
Good morning, choosing gratitude, edification,and encouragement today
Psalm 92:1-8 (Amplified Bible)
It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises [with musical accompaniment] to Your name, O Most High, To show forth Your loving-kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night, With an instrument of ten strings and with the lute, with a solemn sound upon the lyre. For You, O Lord, have made me glad by Your works; at the deeds of Your hands I joyfully sing. How great are Your doings, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep. A man in his rude and uncultivated state knows not, neither does a [self-confident] fool understand this: That though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to be destroyed forever. But You, Lord, are on high forever.
Psalm 3:1-8 (Amplified Bible)
Lord, how they are increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me. Many are saying of me, There is no help for him in God. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!
But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. With my voice I cry to the Lord, and He hears and answers me out of His holy hill. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! I lay down and slept; I wakened again, for the Lord sustains me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheek; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord; May Your blessing be upon Your people. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!
Thank you for eph 6 my armor given by You KING of king and LORD of lords, God of Heaven and Earth, Keeper of my heart,
Today is the day, I will not back down attached is a sermon from Bishop T D Jakes It's a Stand Off
The Lord communicates in so many ways, and His word is always on time...The devil can't have My family, We are gifted with the Armor in Eph 6 and we have the choice every day to put on the armor, or to sit back and let the enemy take all we have, no victim lives here, we are warriors, He said " after putting on the armor we are to stand, that means we are protecting, defending, and stand therefore stand, If I fall into self pity or depression I do not stand at that point, This is a now word from my Father who has heard my cries, and felt our pain, Thank you Jesus! He gave it to me during this time of heartbreak and panic terror along with fear, Lord forgive me for my unbelief it is my right to stand guard over my family, my home, my friends, divine direction , and the trap of isolation and depression is not in this war it is no longer welcome in this territory, home,. neighborhood, city , or county the curse is broken, and the devil needs to know that I will no longer giving up, or giving away, the gifts , the promises, the time, or my family God chose me for this time and this season! I have been created for such a time as this, devil this is a STAND OFF< no longer is your lies and deceit going to be truth, God gave me His logos word and a fresh rama word, through Bishop, It is confirmation , truth, and I have been backed up as far as I will go, no more My God is living, He has given me all authority over any spirit that is not of God, fear, confusion, un- forgiveness , low self esteem , self mutilation, all are lies that I believed for so long, I could no longer have relationship's. Honestly I have not ever been able to keep the people I love in my life, through depression and Isolation, I am not going to spend the rest of my life in depression and despair , my daddy would say to me "Delena your word and actions are leaving your legacy, What is your words and actions saying for the people who come into a relationship with you, what will they remember? daddy then said, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY!!! The word says let your yes be yes and your no be no, It's that simple...My children are fighting a fight that does not belong to them, the blood of Jesus has broken the generational curses, and soul ties, So by Gods grace I am able to love my son and daughters, I am able to stand up to the challenge , with the armor of God, the root has been pulled from my spirit with the evidence of Gods perfect love, wisdom, mercy, and since Feb 2007 all the tools I would need for this battle, and I am grateful to all who have crossed paths and sown prayers, acceptance, and training ground for this particular season...even the haters, the jealous, the ones who were speaking lies, who harmed me , or my children , stole from me and mine, who have tried to keep my past attached to my today, rejected me, who gossiped, who set up traps for me to fail, and all the false accusations, because EVERYTHING THAT WAS MEANT FOR BAD has been used to show me my part in every situation, who taught me to forgive, to not cheat, gossip, steal, complain or hate, this is my chance to say THANK YOU FOR TEACHING ME HOW TO RECEIVE FROM EVERYONE THE TOOLS I NEED FOR TODAY'S BATTLES, WITHOUT FEAR, Because I am still here, fighting the good fight of faith, I WOULD have been gone along time ago if it were not for Gods perfect love, grace, protection " The kingdom take it by violence, but the violent take it by force" It is settled by the blood of Jesus, through the finished work of Jesus Christ, that God has not given me the spirit of fear, but has given me the power, love, AND A SOUND MIND, MY WISDOM COMES FROM MY FATHER WHO HAS MADE ME AN HEIR TO ALL HE HAS PROMISED, His seed of righteousness brings forth the fruit of Jesus Character and He has not let any of the past pain, rejection, loneliness, depression, fear, guilt and shame, to be apart of this particular season that when the word said count it all joy when I go through trials and tribulation for it is bringing and developing in me His perfect peace, and He is showing me that all the tools I have today were developed by all the past 40 years in the desert, alone and uncomfortable in my own skin. every targeted fiery darts of the wicked that tried to take His favored daughter down stands guard my shield of faith and it will disperse in 7 opposite directions, I know that all that came before was an attack to kill, steel, and destroy, to arrest me by fear, depression, and emotional breakdowns, but the word for today is a fresh RAMA word to stand against the enemy who is trying to take from me and mine..." enough is enough," THIS IS A STAND OFF,I have INTEGRITY,FOCUS,TENACITY, RELENTLESS FAITH, AND A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAS BEEN APART OF THIS JOURNEY, it's A STAND OFF, THE ENEMY CAN NOT TOUCH ANYTHING GOD HAS GIVEN ME, AND LIKE HE PROMISED HE HAS GIVEN ME more than I lost , AND IF GOD HAS GIVEN IT TO ME NO PERSON On EARTH OR DEMON IN HELL CAN TAKE IT FROM ME,,,I AM FIGHTING FOR MY CHILDREN, MY RELATIONSHIPS, FOR HIS PROPECY, AND THE VISION HE GAVE ME MANY YEARS AGO I WILL RECEIVE, BECAUSE I ALREADY HAVE IT...I CRIED MY LAST TEAR YESTERDAY, IT'S A STAND OFF FOR MY FAMILY,MINISTRY,FINANCES,HOME, GOD SAID FOR THE NEXT THOUSAND GENERATIONS MY CHILDREN WILL BE BLESSED, AND I STAND IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS WORD, I WILL POSSES IT , PROTECT IT , AND PROCLAIM IT, THROUGH COMING BOLDLY TO THE THRONE ROOM OF GRACE AND MERCY, WHERE MY JEUS IS SITTING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FATHER Interceding ON OUR BEHALF, SO TO ALL who took the time to read this thank you for your willingness to pray for my son, and my girls Sydney and Sabelle, I also want to thank everyone that has not liked me, or believes I am anything other than a new creation, I learned so much from each of you about what was inside of my spirit hindering me from moving forward with freedom, and I have been graced to ask for forgiveness for pain I have caused you , I know it is not you, and I love you with the love of the Lord, I now understand that the enemy will use anyone he can to bring division into our relationships, because there is Power in agreement... SO I CALL OUT TO ALL THE PRAYER WARRIORS THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED FAITHFULNESS TO PRAY FOR US, AND ASK THAT YOU STILL DO, I AM WRAPPED IN THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD, AND STAND THERFORE STAND, IM NOT GIVING IN, IM NOT FINISHED, AND BY HIS BLOOD THIS BATTLE IS ALREADY WON, IN JESUS NAME...
Sunday, March 22
(How Many Times)
Covenant Connections, and sometimes it's just Jesus and me in the valley...
Lord how I continue to need You every moment of every day, my prayer is that this song will be heard by all who need Your presence,praise,hope,contentment,assurance of Your love for them as much ad I do,May it go forth and heal any part of a heart that is broken,as we understand that we all "Need You Now" every one has a story, and Father only you have a happily ever after,thank You for your mercy,Grace, and Healing in Jesus name amen amen amen
Lord I need Johovas wisdom and not my own...
Saturday, March 21
Quick Return
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
Friday, March 6
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
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In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and foremost a Child of God, a ...
The Lord communicates in so many ways, and His word is always on time...The devil can't have My family, We are gifted with the Armor...
2 Peter 1:2-4 Thursday, May 12, 2011 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine p...
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