Covenant connections: May today bring u closer to our living God
In no way am I wanting credit,taking credit, or trying to show that I am somebody more than I am. I am first and formost a Child of God, a gentile cleaved into the family of beleivers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST> Who is the Son of God, Who came here to be God in the Flesh, a man without sin, Who went to the Cross of calvery, who bore our sins, who died to atone for all sin...Then on the 3RD day, Rose Again and gave us the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. Death did not keep Him, Satan could not difeat Him, the phariseas could not receive Him, peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, John went before HIm, Mary loved him, God our Father was pleased with Him. The enemy has to flee, and all of us serve Him. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob my desire is to encourage, honor,minister,edify,lead, in your word,truth, and wisdom. In Jesus name
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